Monday, February 14, 2011

Latency Improvements To WoW

Recently there were two very interesting blue posts on the WoW forums regarding latency. The first simply explains the change in how latency is displayed in game; contrary to popular belief home does not mean your personal latency and world does not mean Blizzard's latency. Home refers to your connection to the world server, it handles things like chat data, auction house data, addon data, and other small bits. World handles everything else, like combat. The full post can be found here.

The second is far more interesting. To summarize, Blizzard added a change in 4.0.6 that dramatically decreased latency for 99% of players. By dramatically I mean 150 latency to 12, yes, 12. Unfortunately the 1% of users with oversaturated connections, old routers, throttling ISPs, and other nonsense experienced problems with this new system so Blizzard temporarily reverted it. Thankfully, in a future patch Blizzard plans to allow users to manually turn on or off this change which should benefit most people greatly. As someone that raids at around 150-200 latency I cannot wait for this change, even 50 latency would be glorious. The full post can be found here.

Yes, I know it is Moosey Monday and this isn't about moose but I'm eating a bunch of chocolate moose I got for Valentines Day right does that count? Nomnomnomnom.


  1. thank god that theyre gonna let us choose to turn it on or off

  2. thats actually pretty cool. good info thanks.

  3. Great post, high latency sucks for WoW players...thanks for the info.

  4. Huh. Very interesting. Glad to see that they are improving the latency info. but it makes me wonder how many players are REALLY using it. :/

  5. I feel like if it's positive for 99% of people then they should just go with it. There's to many people that have serious questing to do to wait around with technical issues because some dial-up noobs can't get a router.

    following and supporting

  6. Blizzard secretly works for google and will assist google in taking over the world.

  7. Dude... and I thought 150 was normal, it was like I get from all my other online games.

  8. Blizzard will be part of Skynet. Mark my words.

  9. Quite a good change! Good job blizzard! :)
